Focus charts

Focus on your work

Beat your internet addiction by adding websites to your blacklist. Self-motivate yourself by making sure your focus meeter always stays around 100%!

Add or remove pages from your blacklist to make sure you are always on the top of the game.

Award winning funny messages

Start your day with style! Get surprising and funny messages personalized for you.

You'll never know what the next message brings - might make you smile or it might make you frown.

Focus charts

Latest weather updates

Get current weather info for your city in each new tab. Simple and minimalistic, just the way you like it.

Your location data never leaves your browser / computer.

Weather data is provided by OpenWeatherMap API.

High quality currated wallpapers

Inspire yourself and let your creativity loose - each new tab will have unique and currated wallpaper with helpful information. Find out who took it and download it with one click.

Photos are provided by Unsplash.

Wallpaper 1
Wallpaper 2
Wallpaper 3

Switch it up

Are you one of those guys that have dark theme for everything? Breathe offers four different choices when it comes up to themes:

  • Dark
  • Light
  • Auto — Switches from light to dark as the day passess by.
  • OS — Depending on your current OS theme Breathe automatically aligns and switches from light to dark.

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About me

Just a regular JavaScript developer —